6/2/2024, 1:18:58

Adam Buck - Artist

Adam Buck was born in Cork in Ireland in 1859 the son of a silversmith where he became an accomplished miniaturist. In 1795 he moved to London where he enjoyed success both socially and artistically, carrying favour with both The Prince of Wales and The Duke of York, and he started to produce small watercolours of the aristocracy and the fashionable as well as his miniatures. His popularity waned after he became associated with Mary Anne Clark and the scandal in 1809 when she testified against her ex-lover The Duke of York in Parliament over taking payments for those seeking commissions in the Army whilst the Duke was Commander of Chief. This did not please the Moralists indeed I read that even Doctors has become somewhat annoyed with him as so many young women in wanting to emulate the beauty and the fashion of the Scantily Clad Mary Anne Clark in wearing light muslin dresses were experiencing an increasing number of cold like ailments . He died suddenly in 1833 leaving a wife and three children. But in his life he was also a passionate lover of the Antique especially from Greece and Rome which inspired a life long project recording images of Greek Vases.

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