12/22/2024 21:36:9

Mid 19th Century Oil on Panel (wood) Oil Paintings

(8 items)
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Oil Painting Circle of Petrius Geradus Vertin "Dutch Town Scene"

£ 1,450

Oil Painting Circle of Petrius Geradus Vertin "Dutch Town Scene"

Oil Painting Circle of Petrius Geradus Vertin "Dutch Town Scene"

£ 1,450


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Oil Painting Circle of Abraham Cooper - The Sportsmans Pony

£ 1,250

Oil Painting Circle of Abraham Cooper - The Sportsmans Pony

Oil Painting Circle of Abraham Cooper - The Sportsmans Pony

£ 1,250


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Oil Painting by Robert Farrier - Pheobe the Millers Maid

£ 1,250

Oil Painting by Robert Farrier - Pheobe the Millers Maid

Oil Painting by Robert Farrier - Pheobe the Millers Maid

£ 1,250


Walton House Antiques Ltd

"The Schoolroom" Oil Painting by Theophile Duverger

£ 6,950

"The Schoolroom" Oil Painting by Theophile Duverger

"The Schoolroom" Oil Painting by Theophile Duverger

£ 6,950


Walton House Antiques Ltd


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