A Pair of 19th Century Chinese Pottery Foo Dogs, a Large Pair with Sancai Glaze
Large Pair of Japanese Kutani Porcelain Vases c.1890
Antique Arts & Crafts Style Wall Barometer c.1870
Very Fine Stourbridge Hand Wheel Engraved Glass Vase - English c.1890
Cornish Copper Arts & Crafts Charger by J. F Poole of Hayle, Cornwall
Pair Antique Lacquered Chinoiserie Side Table
French Carriage Clock with 8 Day Striking and Repeating Movement
Gentleman’s Ebony Walking Stick Sword Stick Lp1
1930s Pollards Bronze Framed Shop Counter
Pair of Inlaid Mahogany 2 Drawer Bedside Tables
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The International press is a big target for LoveAntiques.com, from our experience of working and encouraging international buyers to our IACF fairs, we've managed to build up our brand in 2 of the USA's biggest publications, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. The end result was an increased level of traffic on the site from across the Atlantic, which benefited dealers on our site. We continue to maintain a relationship with all relevant international publications across the globe.
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