12/5/2024, 2:9:52
J Hilliard Oil Painting (1 of 6)
Graham Deakin Antiques
Flag of United KingdomSussex, UK
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Ockenden Way



United Kingdom


J Hilliard Oil Painting

REF: Hilliard / LA513404
Certified DealerApproved itemFree Delivery
Certified DealerApproved itemFree Delivery
Oil painting of a stream and trees. Signature of J Hilliard is partially obscured by The frame, the signature is bottom left. Artist's name and address is on a label on the back of the painting.
75 cm
85 cm
Graham Deakin Antiques has clarified that the J Hilliard Oil Painting (LA513404) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being c.1950
This J Hilliard Oil Painting is located in Sussex, United Kingdom

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