Certified DealerApproved item1283 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
Certified DealerApproved item1283 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
Rare Double Set of Silver Buttons. Really smart set of matching large and small solid silver buttons all in their original silk and velvet lined box. All pristine, no damage, dings or restoration. All clearly hallmarked for Birmingham 1900 by the silversmiths Levi & Salaman. The large buttons have a diameter of a good inch (2.6cm), the smaller are a good ½ inch (1.9cm). All my photos are taken using natural light only.
Our ref 9555
2.6 cm
Jo Brayshaw has clarified that the Rare Double Set of Silver Buttons - Birmingham 1900 (LA512646) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being 1900