RegencySilver Antiques
Beautiful Antique Vizagapatam Indian Wood Trinket / Jewellery Box / Table Casket - India c.1890
£ 725
Beautiful Antique Vizagapatam Indian Wood Trinket / Jewellery Box / Table Casket - India c.1890
£ 725
RegencySilver Antiques
£ 4,345
Rams Head Antiques
Superb Antique Sadeli Box
£ 395
Georgian Antiques
Unusual Anglo-indian Ebony Inlaid Burr Padouk Oval Jewellery Box
£ 450
Antiques et Cetera
Vintage Indian Jewellery Box - Ideal Gift / Present For Rings / Cufflinks / Earrings Etc
£ 30
Vintage Indian Jewellery Box - Ideal Gift / Present For Rings / Cufflinks / Earrings Etc
£ 30
Antiques et Cetera
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