£ 825
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Antique Early Treen 19th Century Fruitwood Turned Raised Roundel Snuff Box - English 1840-1860
£ 145
Antique Early Treen 19th Century Fruitwood Turned Raised Roundel Snuff Box - English 1840-1860
£ 145
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Antique Early Treen 19th Century Amboyna & Tortoiseshell Table Snuff Box - Scottish 1840-1860
£ 195
Antique Early Treen 19th Century Amboyna & Tortoiseshell Table Snuff Box - Scottish 1840-1860
£ 195
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Antique Treen 19th Century Ebony Engine Turned Gentleman's Snuff Box - English 1860-1880
£ 185
Antique Treen 19th Century Ebony Engine Turned Gentleman's Snuff Box - English 1860-1880
£ 185
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Walton House Antiques Ltd
Rare 18th Century Pressed Wood Snuff Box
£ 230
Walton House Antiques Ltd
Fine 19th Century Pressed Maple Snuff Box
£ 245
Walton House Antiques Ltd
Fine 18th Century Pressed Maple Snuff Box
£ 345
Queens Antiques & Collectables
19th Century French Risqué Erotica Brass & Enamel Vesta Case Fishing Interest
£ 150
19th Century French Risqué Erotica Brass & Enamel Vesta Case Fishing Interest
£ 150
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Rare Silver Brazil Nut Vesta / Snuff Box
£ 495
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Antique Treen 19th Century Fruitwood Gentleman's Vesta / Snuff Box - Continental 1840-1860
£ 125
Antique Treen 19th Century Fruitwood Gentleman's Vesta / Snuff Box - Continental 1840-1860
£ 125
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Antique Early Treen 18th Century Fruitwood Trick Opening Snuff Box - English 1770-1790
£ 145
Antique Early Treen 18th Century Fruitwood Trick Opening Snuff Box - English 1770-1790
£ 145
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Antique Treen & Metalware 19th Century Brass & Fruitwood Miser Snuff Box - English 1840-1860
£ 165
Antique Treen & Metalware 19th Century Brass & Fruitwood Miser Snuff Box - English 1840-1860
£ 165
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD
Goldfinch Enamel Bonbonnière Snuff Box
£ 2,000
£ 425
£ 345
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Rare 19th Century French Risqué Erotica Brass & Enamel Vesta Case from Play Sapho
£ 190
Rare 19th Century French Risqué Erotica Brass & Enamel Vesta Case from Play Sapho
£ 190
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Queens Antiques & Collectables
19th Century French Risqué Erotica Brass & Enamel Vesta Case
£ 150
19th Century French Risqué Erotica Brass & Enamel Vesta Case
£ 150
Queens Antiques & Collectables
£ 195
RegencySilver Antiques
Rare Scottish Antique Solid Sterling Silver Georgian Snuff Canister Box 19th Century
£ 450
Rare Scottish Antique Solid Sterling Silver Georgian Snuff Canister Box 19th Century
£ 450
RegencySilver Antiques
£ 375
£ 545
£ 1,375
Booth Antiques
Rare Victorian Silver & Carnelian Snuff Box
£ 235
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Antique 19th Century Single Brass Miners Snuff Box Engraved Charles Shirley - Aug 27 1887
£ 115
Antique 19th Century Single Brass Miners Snuff Box Engraved Charles Shirley - Aug 27 1887
£ 115
Mark Seabrook Antiques
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Small Georgian Silver Snuff Box
£ 195
Jeff Sims Antiques
Mid 19th Century Tortoiseshell Snuff Box
£ 125
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Georgian Scottish Snuff Box
£ 295
Aion Classique
German Silver Pill Box with London Import Marks
£ 135
Walton House Antiques Ltd
William IV Silver & Agate Snuff Box
£ 685
£ 8,950
Artisan Antiques
Antique Large Solid Silver Snuff Box Cartouche Shaped with Profuse Hand Engravings - London 1842
£ 995
Antique Large Solid Silver Snuff Box Cartouche Shaped with Profuse Hand Engravings - London 1842
£ 995
Artisan Antiques
RegencySilver Antiques
Antique Early 19th Century Georgian Large Horn Tortoiseshell Snuff Box with Silver Inlay
£ 69
Antique Early 19th Century Georgian Large Horn Tortoiseshell Snuff Box with Silver Inlay
£ 69
RegencySilver Antiques
£ 350
£ 275
£ 8,950
Antique George IV Sterling Silver Gilt Table Snuff Box by Edward Farrell
£ 8,950
AC Silver
£ 10,950
William Rand Antiques
19th Century Scottish Horn Snuff Mull
£ 220
Beeches Vintage
Antique Black Lacquer Snuff Box
£ 29
Beeches Vintage
Antique Early 1800s Snuff Box
£ 35
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Four Dutch Tobacco Tins
£ 360