1/6/2025, 6:8:5

British Arts and Crafts Oil Painting on Canvas Oil Paintings

(11 items)
Oil Painting by Stephen Samuel Lewin - The Armada in Sight

£ 9,750

Oil Painting by Stephen Samuel Lewin - The Armada in Sight

Oil Painting by Stephen Samuel Lewin - The Armada in Sight

£ 9,750


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Oil Painting by Charles Thomas Burt "Off to Market"

£ 2,950

Oil Painting by Charles Thomas Burt "Off to Market"

Oil Painting by Charles Thomas Burt "Off to Market"

£ 2,950


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Oil painting by George Gregory “A Rotterdam Canal”

£ 2,650

Oil painting by George Gregory “A Rotterdam Canal”

Oil painting by George Gregory “A Rotterdam Canal”

£ 2,650


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Oil painting by Godwin Bennett “A Street in Salcombe, Devon”

£ 1,250

Oil painting by Godwin Bennett “A Street in Salcombe, Devon”

Oil painting by Godwin Bennett “A Street in Salcombe, Devon”

£ 1,250


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Oil Painting by Edward Henry Holder “Scene in the Lake District”

£ 1,250

Oil painting Pair by Alfred Kedington Morgan “Village High Street”

£ 2,650

Major R Sloane-Stanley by George Hillyard Swinstead 1916

£ 34,500

Major R Sloane-Stanley by George Hillyard Swinstead 1916

Major R Sloane-Stanley by George Hillyard Swinstead 1916

£ 34,500


Wick Antiques Ltd

Good Victorian Oil on Canvas

Fernyhough Antiques Ltd

Good Victorian Oil on Canvas

£ 395

Good Victorian Oil on Canvas

Good Victorian Oil on Canvas

£ 395


Fernyhough Antiques Ltd

"Near York" Oil Painting by Edward Niemann

£ 1,850

"Near York" Oil Painting by Edward Niemann

"Near York" Oil Painting by Edward Niemann

£ 1,850


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Victorian Oil Painting - The Little Yellow Man

£ 795

Victorian Oil Painting - The Little Yellow Man

Victorian Oil Painting - The Little Yellow Man

£ 795


Witch Antiques


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