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Russian Dishes
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Large, Faience Dish from the Gardner Factory, Mid-19th Century
€ 380
Faience Device for Washing from the Riga Factory of M.S. Kuznetsov
€ 1,200
Porcelain Dish from the Kuznetsov Factory with a Scene of Calling the Hero Mikula Selyaninovich. Early 20th century.
€ 2,000
Russian Porcelain Saucer from Private Factories of the 1820s. Persan (Persian).
€ 500
Plate of the Order Service from Popovs factory. 1840-1850s.
€ 1,600
Four Piece Set, Gardner Porcelain Factory
€ 1,300
Chinese Dish from the Gardner Factory
€ 750
Decorative Dish Flowers PFF
€ 50
Decorative Dish Flowers. Gardner Factory, Russia, 19th Century.
€ 80