Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker Kingsway 1930s
£ 125
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Silver Plated Travel Cocktail Shaker D.R.G.M
£ 275
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
G.f.kellner Cocktail Set, India Railway
£ 275
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Silver Plated Cocktail Stick Holder
£ 275
Aion Classique
German Art Deco Folding Marcasite Lorgnette
£ 95
Salisbury Antiques Centre
Silver Plated Punch Bowl
£ 300
Jo Brayshaw
“Just A Shot” Spirit Measure 1930s
£ 100
Jeff Sims Antiques
Art Deco Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel
£ 135
Aion Classique
Art Deco Silver Plated Jewellery Box
£ 110
London City Antiques
Unusual Pair of Antique Quality Art Deco Silver Plated Candlesticks
£ 1,850
Unusual Pair of Antique Quality Art Deco Silver Plated Candlesticks
£ 1,850
London City Antiques
Millers Antiques
74 Piece Mappin & Webb Cutlery
£ 375
Jo Brayshaw
Silver Plated Cocktail Stirrer, c.1930
£ 145
JSA Silver Flatware
An Art Deco Georg Jensen Silver Fish Slice
£ 175
RegencySilver Antiques
Large & Heavy French Art Deco Antique Silver Plated Ladle Salad Punch Soup Spoon
£ 105
Large & Heavy French Art Deco Antique Silver Plated Ladle Salad Punch Soup Spoon
£ 105
RegencySilver Antiques
Beeches Vintage
Art Deco Silver Plated Salt Spoon
£ 19
Beeches Vintage
Vintage Silver Plated Pickle Fork, Mother of Pearl Handle
£ 34
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Silver Plated Sugar Dispenser / Measure
£ 75
Beeches Vintage
SS Atlantis Silver Plated Pepper Pot
£ 22
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Stylish Art Deco Style Rectangular Silver Plated Box with Cut Corners
£ 225
Stylish Art Deco Style Rectangular Silver Plated Box with Cut Corners
£ 225
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Beeches Vintage
Mappin & Webb 1930s Entree Dish
£ 80
Tales to Tell Antiques
Pair of WMF Art Deco Modernist Silver Plated Trumpet Vases - Richard Riemerschmid
£ 85
Pair of WMF Art Deco Modernist Silver Plated Trumpet Vases - Richard Riemerschmid
£ 85
Tales to Tell Antiques
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Art Deco Silver Plated Diana the Huntress Figure c.1930
£ 450
Art Deco Silver Plated Diana the Huntress Figure c.1930
£ 450
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Silver Plated Cocktail Stick Holder in the Form of a Cocktail Shaker
£ 225
Silver Plated Cocktail Stick Holder in the Form of a Cocktail Shaker
£ 225
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
William Rand Antiques
Pair of Mappin & Webb Silver Plated Salad Servers
£ 100
Tales to Tell Antiques
Silver Plated Machine Decorated Cigarette Case with Vacant Cartouche
£ 28
Silver Plated Machine Decorated Cigarette Case with Vacant Cartouche
£ 28
Tales to Tell Antiques
£ 48
Vintage 1931 Silver Sixpence Pocket Watch Chain Fob Ornate Silver Plated Mount
£ 48
IM Chaney Antique Furniture
Boxed Silver Plate Paper Weight of the Torre de Belem in Lisbon
£ 70
Boxed Silver Plate Paper Weight of the Torre de Belem in Lisbon
£ 70
IM Chaney Antique Furniture
Philip Hunt Antiques
Pair of Silver Plated Wine Coolers
£ 845
Philip Hunt Antiques
Stylish Art Deco Claret Jug
£ 295
Jo Brayshaw
Rare A.E.Jones Plated Caddy Spoon c.1930
£ 145
Wildwinds Antiques
Theodore Olson Silver Gilt Enamel Candlesticks
£ 220
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Silver Plate Art Deco Style Comport with a Clear Glass Ball Stem
£ 185
Silver Plate Art Deco Style Comport with a Clear Glass Ball Stem
£ 185
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Oval Silver Plate & Cut Glass Box with Plain Hinged Lid & Floral Border
£ 160
Oval Silver Plate & Cut Glass Box with Plain Hinged Lid & Floral Border
£ 160
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
W&W Antiques
Art Deco Scottish Baptisimal Font 1933, Jb Chatterley & Sons Ltd, Hand Beaten Design, Silver Plated
£ 125
Art Deco Scottish Baptisimal Font 1933, Jb Chatterley & Sons Ltd, Hand Beaten Design, Silver Plated
£ 125
W&W Antiques
Antiques et Cetera
Silver Plate Fish Servers Boxed - Ideal Xmas Present c.1930
£ 45
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