Certified Dealer1320 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
Certified Dealer1320 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
Edwardian Hunting Bottle & Case. Lon 1908. Solid leather case with carrying handle. Silver mounted cut and polished bottle, I’d guess it will hold the best part of a pint. The silver lid is hallmarked for London 1908, the hinge is crisp and the twist locks in as it should. the shoulders are cut and polished as is the pontil to the base. The leather case stands a generous 7 inches (18cm) tall and is a good rich colour. All my photos are taken using natural light only. Ready to use. Our ref 9584
18 cm
Jo Brayshaw has clarified that the Edwardian Hunting Bottle & Case. Lon 1908 (LA518173) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being 1908