3/16/2025, 8:42:23
German Porcelain Figures of Two Courting Couples Late 19th Century / Early 20th Century (1 of 15)
German Porcelain Figures of Two Courting Couples Late 19th Century / Early 20th Century
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DLS Antiques
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German Porcelain Figures of Two Courting Couples Late 19th Century / Early 20th Century

REF: 2125 / LA218954
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Certified DealerApproved item170 sales by dealer
Certified DealerApproved item170 sales by dealer
For offer are German Porcelain Figures from late 19th / early 20th Century of two courting couples. One is modelled as a maiden singing while her beau kneels to play a guitar and the other has a maiden playing a harp to her attentive beau. Both items are 16cm high.
16 cm
DLS Antiques has clarified that the German Porcelain Figures of Two Courting Couples Late 19th Century / Early 20th Century (LA218954) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being Late 19th Century / Early 20th Century
The items are in good condition with only a few nibbles of loss. There is however the loss to one finger on one maiden and the fingers on both hands of one beau. These are reflected in the price offered and they are still very attractive pieces.
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This German Porcelain Figures of Two Courting Couples Late 19th Century / Early 20th Century is located in United Kingdom
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