'Antiques et Cetera' HAVE TRADED SINCE 1991 - The last 23 years on line & have over 2000 POSITIVE REVIEWS from various sites - The last few days of our SALE is now on with FREE UK postage on many items, So Don't Delay Buy Today' WE ARE NEARING RETIREMENT AND THEREFORE ARE SLIMMING DOWN OUR STOCK, SO WE ARE OPEN TO SENSIBLE OFERS ON ITEMS. We give a full description of all our quality items & include several photographs. All items are fully inspected for Condition & rated. i.e. Excellent - Very Good - In new unused Condition - In Used Condition. Over the years we have purchased man... See more... See more
Pair of Antique Sitzendorf Thuringia Boy & Girl Figures
Certified DealerApproved item385 sales by dealerFree Delivery
Certified DealerApproved item385 sales by dealerFree Delivery
Buy it now £150.00 - Retirement Sale £130.00 including Free Postage UK by Special Delivery - overseas International Tracked & Signed -See below.
Make Us An Offer That We Cannot Refuse.
We are happy for you to make us an offer on any of our items, we are very happy to receive offers on our quality items, email Ken at antiques.etcetera@btinternet.com, on receipt of your offer we will confirm if we accept it and change the price for you to be able to buy the item / items.
This is a superb pair of antique Sitzendorf Thuringia Boy & Girl figures.
* A beautiful pair of antique Sitzendorf figures
* A boy and a girl carrying their fruit baskets
* Markings: Crown above S - for Sitzendorf Thuringia Germany
* In wonderful condition as shown in photo's
* Condition - Excellent - No damage or repairs
* Circa - Early 1880 - 1910
Dimensions: - Size: 8 1/2" High x 3" Width of the base
Materials / Colour: - Porcelain - Various Colours
Postage / Shipping
Important Notice - Please Note;- We show the cost to Post & Ship World Wide below in every listing . Before placing your order & to save time & avoid sending you a PayPal invoice to pay for the Postage separately, Please send an email to antiques.etcetera@btinternet.com your country where the Item / Items will be going to & we will add the cost to the item / items that you are buying, so you will be paying for the item & postage in one go.
Please Note:- With over 200 quality items we have many items ideal for Gifts for the whole Family.
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You may pay a little extra, but your goods are Signed For, Tracked & Insured, so that you have total peace of mind that your orders will arrive safely and in the quickest possible time.
Antiques et Cetera has clarified that the Pair of Antique Sitzendorf Thuringia Boy & Girl Figures (LA98955) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being 1880s
In wonderful condition as shown in photo's - Excellent - No damage or repairs