Certified DealerApproved item1309 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
Certified DealerApproved item1309 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
Three-piece cruet with associated silver spoons. All in good condition, the hallmarks on the salt and mustard are rubbed. Good gauge of silver. No dings, dents or restoration, the Bristol blue liners are good. Hallmarked for Birmingham 1927 by Docker & Burn, silversmiths. The Spoons are clearly hallmarked for Sheffield 1897 by the silversmith Henry Wilkinson. For scale the spoons are 2¾ inches (7cm) long and the pepper pot is 2¼ inches (6cm) tall. All my photos are taken using natural light only. Ready to use.
Our ref 9312
6 cm
Jo Brayshaw has clarified that the Silver 3 Part Cruet - Birmingham 1927 (LA513942) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being 1927 / 1897