3/14/2025, 8:51:3
Unusual Pair of Expanding Silver Filigree Napkin Rings (1 of 4)
Unusual Pair of Expanding Silver Filigree Napkin Rings
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Booth Antiques
Flag of United KingdomCambridgeshire, UK
Alison lives in a small village in Cambridgeshire and has been involved in the antiques trade for thirty years. A qualified auctioneer, she has a BA Hons in
Valuation of Fine Art and Chattels and has worked in a London auction house and for The Potteries Museum as well as exhibiting at fairs in London and East
Anglia. Here on Booth Antiques we offer silver, glass and objects de vertu. For jewellery and associated items, please visit our other sites on Loveantiques -
Aion Jewellery and Aion Classique.
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Unusual Pair of Expanding Silver Filigree Napkin Rings

REF: B1268 / LA515149
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Certified DealerApproved item130 sales by dealer
Certified DealerApproved item130 sales by dealer
A gorgeous pair of silver napkin rings, dating from the early 20th Century and in the Art Nouveau taste. The rounded bodies have openwork spirals and spheres in stunning filigree work. Unusually they are not joined, allowing the bodies to be gently expanded to fit any size of napkin. Unmarked, they test as silver and are a lovely and practical gift idea.
3.3 cm
4.4 cm
4.4 cm
Booth Antiques has clarified that the Unusual Pair of Expanding Silver Filigree Napkin Rings (LA515149) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being 1920
Excellent condition, with no dents, splits or losses.
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This Unusual Pair of Expanding Silver Filigree Napkin Rings is located in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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