1/5/2025, 5:48:48

British 20th Century Oil Painting on Canvas Oil Paintings

(141 items)
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Landscape Oil Painting

Marylebone Antiques

Landscape Oil Painting

£ 450

Landscape Oil Painting

Landscape Oil Painting

£ 450


Marylebone Antiques

Oil Painting Pair by Robert Watson "Highland Cattle & Sheep in the Glen"

£ 15,000

Oil Painting Pair by Robert Watson "Highland Cattle & Sheep in the Glen"

Oil Painting Pair by Robert Watson "Highland Cattle & Sheep in the Glen"

£ 15,000


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Oil Painting by F L Geere

Graham Deakin Antiques

Oil Painting by F L Geere

£ 275

Oil Painting by F L Geere

Oil Painting by F L Geere

£ 275


Graham Deakin Antiques

Oil Painting Winston Churchill Follower John Archibald Alexander Berrie c.1940

£ 10,000

Oil Painting Winston Churchill Follower John Archibald Alexander Berrie c.1940

Oil Painting Winston Churchill Follower John Archibald Alexander Berrie c.1940

£ 10,000


Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD

Large Oil Painting The Royal Prince Warship of the Line 1679 By John Bentham Dinsdale

£ 10,000

Impressionist Style Oil Painting

£ 350

Impressionist Style Oil Painting

Impressionist Style Oil Painting

£ 350


Marylebone Antiques

Mid 20th Century Still Life Tempera Painting by Stuart Armfield R.A

£ 1,195

Oil Painting Sir Philip Grey Egerton 15th Baronet Follower of Herbert James Gunn

£ 4,500

Winston Churchill Oil Canvas Dated 17th Feb 1953

£ 325

Winston Churchill Oil Canvas Dated 17th Feb 1953

Winston Churchill Oil Canvas Dated 17th Feb 1953

£ 325


Cloverleaf Home Interiors

Frederick J.Knowles Oil Painting - Harvest Time

£ 2,950

Frederick J.Knowles Oil Painting - Harvest Time

Frederick J.Knowles Oil Painting - Harvest Time

£ 2,950


Graham Reed Fine Art

Oil on Canvas


Oil on Canvas

£ 125

Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas

£ 125



Oil Painting by Francis E Jamieson - Loch Hawick

£ 995

Oil Painting by Francis E Jamieson - Loch Hawick

Oil Painting by Francis E Jamieson - Loch Hawick

£ 995


Walton House Antiques Ltd

Night Scene Oil Painting by Frank Hughes

£ 450

Night Scene Oil Painting by Frank Hughes

Night Scene Oil Painting by Frank Hughes

£ 450


Prometheus Antiques

"River Scene" by Gordon Cockburn

£ 400

"River Scene" by Gordon Cockburn

"River Scene" by Gordon Cockburn

£ 400


Red Bus Art

"Flowers in Green Vase" by Gordon Cockburn

£ 795

"Flowers in Green Vase" by Gordon Cockburn

"Flowers in Green Vase" by Gordon Cockburn

£ 795


Red Bus Art

Storm and Light Paris by Gordon Cockburn

£ 795

Storm and Light Paris by Gordon Cockburn

Storm and Light Paris by Gordon Cockburn

£ 795


Red Bus Art

Ann Brunskill Oil Painting of Bird with Trees

Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd

Ann Brunskill Oil Painting of Bird with Trees

£ 250

Ann Brunskill Oil Painting of Bird with Trees

Ann Brunskill Oil Painting of Bird with Trees

£ 250


Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd

Portrait of Hugh Colin Smith

In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd

Portrait of Hugh Colin Smith

£ 1,195

Portrait of Hugh Colin Smith

Portrait of Hugh Colin Smith

£ 1,195


In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd

A Woodland Nook, Oil Painting by Frank Gresley

£ 495

A Woodland Nook, Oil Painting by Frank Gresley

A Woodland Nook, Oil Painting by Frank Gresley

£ 495


Prometheus Antiques

The Ruined Tower, Oil Painting by William Knight

£ 495

The Ruined Tower, Oil Painting by William Knight

The Ruined Tower, Oil Painting by William Knight

£ 495


Prometheus Antiques

The Priory Ruins, Oil Painting by William Knight

£ 395

The Priory Ruins, Oil Painting by William Knight

The Priory Ruins, Oil Painting by William Knight

£ 395


Prometheus Antiques

Oil Painting HMS Franklin Ship Mine Sweeper The Pentlands World War 2 Convoy Duty

£ 2,000

Portrait Painting on Canvas by Richard Sherrin

£ 375

Portrait Painting on Canvas by Richard Sherrin

Portrait Painting on Canvas by Richard Sherrin

£ 375


Antiques & Chic

Marine Oil Painting Admirals Cup Yacht Cross Channel Race 1969 Off Cowes

£ 4,250

Marine Oil Painting Admirals Cup Yacht Cross Channel Race 1969 Off Cowes

Marine Oil Painting Admirals Cup Yacht Cross Channel Race 1969 Off Cowes

£ 4,250


Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD

Oil Painting Huntsman with Hound Dogs Fernie Hunt by John Theodore Kenney

£ 7,800

Oil Painting Huntsman with Hound Dogs Fernie Hunt by John Theodore Kenney

Oil Painting Huntsman with Hound Dogs Fernie Hunt by John Theodore Kenney

£ 7,800


Cheshire Antiques Consultant LTD

Oil Painting Battle of Britain WW2 RAF Pilots Ready for Takeoff Biggin Hill Airfield

£ 19,500

Portrait of a Women Oil on Canvas

£ 480

Portrait of a Women Oil on Canvas

Portrait of a Women Oil on Canvas

£ 480


Campbell Vintage

Oil Painting by Stuart Scott Somerville - Summer Fruits

£ 2,850

Oil Painting by Stuart Scott Somerville - Summer Fruits

Oil Painting by Stuart Scott Somerville - Summer Fruits

£ 2,850


Walton House Antiques Ltd


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