Graham Deakin Antiques
Victorian Oak Stationary Box
£ 90
Harper Baxter
Oak Stationary Box Cabinet Perpetual Calender
£ 190
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Antique Oak Stationery Cabinet
£ 225
£ 695
Antique Pokerwork Stationery Box, English Desktop Tidy, Arts & Crafts, Victorian
£ 695
London Fine Ltd
Kernow Furniture
Late 19th Century Oak Stationery Cabinet
£ 175
Driscolls Antiques Ltd
Magnificent Quality Victorian Oak Antique Stationary Cabinet
£ 495
Michael Johnson Antiques
Victorian Leather Box c.1890
£ 275
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Victorian Quality Rosewood Stationary Box
£ 365
£ 850
Antique Desktop Stationery Box, English, Oak, Arts & Crafts, Victorian c.1890
£ 850
London Fine Ltd
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Quality Antique Victorian Oak Stationary Box
£ 625
£ 1,895
Antique Gentleman's Travelling Box, Anglo Indian, Correspondence Case, Victorian
£ 1,895
London Fine Ltd
Middleton's Antiques
Writing Companion Desk Set. Arts & Crafts. Stationery Casket, Pen Tray, Letter Opener
£ 285
Writing Companion Desk Set. Arts & Crafts. Stationery Casket, Pen Tray, Letter Opener
£ 285
Middleton's Antiques
Athey Antiques
Olivewood Stationery Box / Writing Box
£ 550
£ 2,950
Antique Campaign Correspondence Box, Anglo Indian, Colonial, Writing, Victorian
£ 2,950
London Fine Ltd
Rebecca Sarah Antiques
Fine Quality Antique Stationary Box
£ 1,125
JMR Antiques Ltd
English 19th Century Coromandel Writing Box
£ 595
Driscolls Antiques Ltd
Quality Victorian Oak Antique Stationary Box
£ 295
Victoria Antiques
Tumbridge Ware Box c.1880
£ 495
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