Jo Brayshaw
1930s Water Lemonade Jug
£ 195
Aion Classique
French Silver & Glass Heart Shaped Scent with Dropper
£ 175
Aion Classique
French 19th Century Silver & Opaline Glass Scent Bottle
£ 225
£ 465
Fine Austrian Red Guilloche Enamel Silver & Cut Glass Jar Georg Adam Scheid c.1900
£ 465
The Fancy Fox
£ 295
Jeff Sims Antiques
Rare Silver Gilt & Lithyalin Glass Scent Bottle
£ 325
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Early 20th Century Scent Bottle
£ 125
Antique Blue Opaline Disc Form Chatelaine Perfume Scent Bottle with Sterling Silver Mounts c.1880
£ 145
Antique Blue Opaline Disc Form Chatelaine Perfume Scent Bottle with Sterling Silver Mounts c.1880
£ 145
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Continental Silver Lemonade or Claret Jug with Plain Mount
£ 650
Larkin & Gallow
Antique WMF Condiment & Table Centrepiece Troughs
£ 110
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Decorative Silver Plated WMF Claret Jug
£ 185
Marlborough Antiques & Interiors
Pair of Attractive Continental Epergnes
£ 445
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
WMF Silver Plated Claret Jug in Unusual Square Shaped Form
£ 375
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Victorian Silver & Yellow Glass Scent Bottle
£ 395
£ 2,475
Antique German Silver & Green Glass Centrepiece Dishes Art Nouveau Style c.1910
£ 2,475
AC Silver
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Unusual Antique Victorian Glass & Silver Plated German Claret Jug
£ 495
Unusual Antique Victorian Glass & Silver Plated German Claret Jug
£ 495
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
£ 1,865
RegencySilver Antiques
Large Antique French Solid Sterling Silver Cut Glass Scent Perfume Bottle Vanity Jar Box c.1890
£ 450
Large Antique French Solid Sterling Silver Cut Glass Scent Perfume Bottle Vanity Jar Box c.1890
£ 450
RegencySilver Antiques
Antique Ethos
Victorian Double-Ended Scent Bottle
£ 225
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