London City Antiques
Large Antique Victorian Quality Giltwood & White Painted Overmantle Mirror
£ 2,450
Large Antique Victorian Quality Giltwood & White Painted Overmantle Mirror
£ 2,450
London City Antiques
Church Street Antiques
Pair of 19thC Gilt Gesso Frame Wall Mirrors
£ 1,750
Lorna Byskou
Victorian Giltwood Arch Top Overmantle Mirror
£ 1,550
Lorna Byskou
Victorian Gilt Arch Top Overmantle Mirror
£ 2,400
Knight Fine Antiques & Collectables
Victorian Gilt Carved Overmantle Mirror
£ 850
London City Antiques
Exceptional Quality Antique 19th Century Victorian Carved Oak Wall Mirror
£ 3,285
Exceptional Quality Antique 19th Century Victorian Carved Oak Wall Mirror
£ 3,285
London City Antiques
London City Antiques
Antique Victorian Painted Adjustable Shaving Stand Vanity Mirror
£ 1,095
Antique Victorian Painted Adjustable Shaving Stand Vanity Mirror
£ 1,095
London City Antiques
London City Antiques
Fine Quality Antique Victorian Mahogany Swing Dressing Mirror
£ 1,385
Lorna Byskou
19th Century Rococo Style Gilt Overmantle Mirror
£ 5,500
London City Antiques
Large Antique Victorian Mahogany & Marble Topped Swing Mirror
£ 1,095
Lorna Byskou
Victorian Gilt Arch Top Overmantle Mirror
£ 2,200
Lorna Byskou
Large Victorian Gilt Arch Top Overmantle Mirror
£ 2,750
Lorna Byskou
Victorian Gilt Arch Top Overmantle Mirror
£ 2,300
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Fine Quality Antique Victorian Carved Walnut Cheval Mirror
£ 1,295
Fine Quality Antique Victorian Carved Walnut Cheval Mirror
£ 1,295
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
London City Antiques
Large Antique Victorian Quality Mahogany Cheval Mirror
£ 2,495
Worboys Antiques
Mid 19th Century Pitch Pine Wall Mirror
£ 175
Lorna Byskou
Victorian Gilt Arch Top Overmantle Mirror
£ 1,895
London City Antiques
Large Antique Victorian Quality Mahogany Dressing Table Mirror
£ 675
Pear Tree Antiques
Victorian Mahogany Dressing Mirror
£ 120
Merchant House Antiques
Decorative 19th French Gilt Mirror
£ 1,195
Merchant House Antiques
Antique French Gilt Mirror 106 x 80
£ 1,860
Fernyhough Antiques Ltd
Super English Adams Oval Gilt Mirror
£ 895
Cleall Antiques
Highly Useful Antique 19th Century English Carved Wood & Gesso Distressed Painted Mirror
£ 550
Highly Useful Antique 19th Century English Carved Wood & Gesso Distressed Painted Mirror
£ 550
Cleall Antiques
£ 685
Antique & Decorative
Victorian Gilt Overmantle Mirror
£ 1,580
Antique & Decorative
Victorian Circular Gilt Mirror
£ 390
Cleall Antiques
Superb Highly Decorative Large Antique 19th Century English Carved Wood & Gesso Distressed Painted Mirror
£ 995
Superb Highly Decorative Large Antique 19th Century English Carved Wood & Gesso Distressed Painted Mirror
£ 995
Cleall Antiques
Cleall Antiques
Superb Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Painted Ribbed Framed Mirror
£ 2,995
Superb Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Painted Ribbed Framed Mirror
£ 2,995
Cleall Antiques
Cleall Antiques
Fabulous Highly Unusual Good Size Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Painted Overmantle Mirror
£ 750
Fabulous Highly Unusual Good Size Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Painted Overmantle Mirror
£ 750
Cleall Antiques
£ 995
£ 1,295
Stunning Highly Useful Size Antique English 19h Century Gilt Shaped Mirror
£ 1,295
Cleall Antiques
£ 1,495
Fabulous Large Antique English 19th Century Painted Arched Top Overmantle
£ 1,495
Cleall Antiques
Cleall Antiques
Exceptional Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Original Distressed Gilt & Painted Rococo Style Mirror
£ 4,995
Exceptional Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Original Distressed Gilt & Painted Rococo Style Mirror
£ 4,995
Cleall Antiques
£ 1,250
Superb Large Antique English 19th Century Painted Column Overmantle Mirror
£ 1,250
Cleall Antiques
Cleall Antiques
Superb Large Antique English 19th Century Fabulous Carved Wood Decorated Flowered Fruit & Vine Leaf Framed Arched Top Mirror
£ 2,795
Superb Large Antique English 19th Century Fabulous Carved Wood Decorated Flowered Fruit & Vine Leaf Framed Arched Top Mirror
£ 2,795
Cleall Antiques
Church Street Antiques
Small Brass Framed Wall Mirror
£ 395
Cleall Antiques
A Stunning Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Arched Top Gilt Overmantle Mirror
£ 1,495
A Stunning Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Arched Top Gilt Overmantle Mirror
£ 1,495
Cleall Antiques
£ 995
Spectacular Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood Original Gilt Mirror
£ 995
Cleall Antiques
Cleall Antiques
Delightful Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Arched Top Painted Overmantle Mirror
£ 895
Delightful Large Antique English 19th Century Carved Wood & Gesso Arched Top Painted Overmantle Mirror
£ 895
Cleall Antiques
Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Mirror Rare Victorian Scumble Frame c.1850
£ 395
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