William Rand Antiques
19th Century Chinese Silver Chain Mail Purse
£ 150
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Vintage Wooden Ebony Chinese Walking Stick Dress Cane Sterling Silver
£ 375
Antique Vintage Wooden Ebony Chinese Walking Stick Dress Cane Sterling Silver
£ 375
Patrick Howard Antiques
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Chinese Export Sterling Silver Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 320
The Fancy Fox
Fine Chinese Export Silver Filigree Card Case c.1880
£ 225
Vintage Clocks
Lovely Vintage Silver 925 Chinese Good Luck Spoon
£ 25
Wang Hing - Chinese Silver Sugar Tongs
£ 95
AC Silver
1930s Chinese Silver Hip Flask
£ 1,495
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Chinese Silver Dish
£ 265
£ 5,950
Vintage Chinese Sterling Silver Four Piece Tea & Coffee Service with Tray c.1940
£ 5,950
AC Silver
£ 2,450
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Chinese Silver Chatelaine Tools
£ 98
£ 2,250
Larkin & Gallow
Antique Export Silver Dragon Decorated Box Signed WK
£ 225
Marlborough Antiques & Interiors
Attractive Pair of Mid Century Silver Plate Wine Coasters
£ 695
Attractive Pair of Mid Century Silver Plate Wine Coasters
£ 695
Marlborough Antiques & Interiors
£ 295
Larkin & Gallow
Antique Mother of Pearl Caviar Dish - Chinese Export
£ 500
RegencySilver Antiques
Rare Antique Straits Chinese Peranakan Solid Silver Large Belt Buckle, Malaysia & Singapore c.1890
£ 1,850
Rare Antique Straits Chinese Peranakan Solid Silver Large Belt Buckle, Malaysia & Singapore c.1890
£ 1,850
RegencySilver Antiques
£ 1,395
£ 2,475
William Rand Antiques
Chinese Silver Chain Mail Purse
£ 100
£ 1,995
£ 1,295
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Good Quality Tuck Chang Sterling Silver Photo Frame
£ 275
William Rand Antiques
Quality Chinese Solid Silver Dressing Table Set, C1900
£ 360
£ 1,995
Sunnyside Antiques
Silver Box - Chinese Export
£ 185
RegencySilver Antiques
Antique Chinese Export 1910 Solid Silver Heavy Tobacco Snuff Pocket Vesta Box Case by Wang Hing
£ 285
Antique Chinese Export 1910 Solid Silver Heavy Tobacco Snuff Pocket Vesta Box Case by Wang Hing
£ 285
RegencySilver Antiques
Antiques in Oxford
Chinese Silver Buckle with Dragon Design Canton 19th Century
£ 295
£ 2,450
Sunnyside Antiques
Chinese Export Silver Box
£ 475
Larkin & Gallow
Mother of Pearl Caviar Dishes Butterfly Embellishments
£ 180
AC Silver
Chinese Export Silver Goblet c.1900
£ 2,450
£ 280
Early 20th Century Antique Chinese Silver Box Embossed with Dragons - Po Cheng
£ 280
Antiques in Oxford
Chinese Silver Cocktail Shaker
£ 1,975
RegencySilver Antiques
Pair of Antique Chinese Export Solid Silver Figural Tea Spoons, Wang Hing c.1890
£ 119
Pair of Antique Chinese Export Solid Silver Figural Tea Spoons, Wang Hing c.1890
£ 119
RegencySilver Antiques
Antiques in Oxford
Chinese Export Silver Travelling Cube Inkwell Holder
£ 260
Antiques in Oxford
19th Century Chinese Silver Card Case
£ 395
Antiques in Oxford
Chinese Export Silver Tea Caddy & Cover by Luen Wo
£ 1,240
Antiques in Oxford
19th Century Chinese Silver Card Case
£ 395
RegencySilver Antiques
Rare Pair of Straits Chinese / Peranakan Antique Solid Silver Pillow Ends Buntal Plates c.1890
£ 795
Rare Pair of Straits Chinese / Peranakan Antique Solid Silver Pillow Ends Buntal Plates c.1890
£ 795
RegencySilver Antiques
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