In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Victorian Silver Topped Marmalade Pot
£ 55
Jeff Sims Antiques
Fabulous Victorian Silver Wallet / Notebook Combo
£ 245
Aion Jewellery
Fine Pair of Victorian Silver Horseshoe Cufflinks
£ 75
£ 295
The Vintage Wrist Watch Company
Victorian Silver Watch Chain & Lion Swivel Fob
£ 225
Jeff Sims Antiques
A Collectible Victorian Silver Sovereign Case/vesta Combo
£ 295
The Vintage Wrist Watch Company
Antique Silver Churchill Watch Chain and Lurgan Fob
£ 135
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Delightful Victorian Silver Cream Jug
£ 155
£ 145
Aion Classique
Victorian Silver Mounted Cranberry Glass Scent Bottle
£ 225
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Boxed Pair of Engraved Victorian Sterling Silver Napkin Rings
£ 155
Boxed Pair of Engraved Victorian Sterling Silver Napkin Rings
£ 155
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian Urn Shaped Oak and Silver Pepper Grinder
£ 145
William Rand Antiques
Large Set Of Victorian Cast Silver Buttons, 1899
£ 150
£ 1,795
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Pair of Late Victorian Sterling Silver Candlesticks in a Corinthian Column Style
£ 455
Pair of Late Victorian Sterling Silver Candlesticks in a Corinthian Column Style
£ 455
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Silver Posy Holder Brooch - Birmingham 1882
£ 125
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Victorian Silver Topped Quaich / Bowl
£ 180
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Unusual Victorian Sterling Silver Pepper Grinder by John Grinsell & Sons
£ 250
Unusual Victorian Sterling Silver Pepper Grinder by John Grinsell & Sons
£ 250
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Aion Jewellery
Attractive Pair of Victorian Silver & Enamel Shirt Studs
£ 95
Aion Jewellery
Unusual Pair of Victorian Silver & Gold Violin Cufflinks
£ 75
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Sterling Silver Vesta Case Birmingham 1895 Minshull & Latimer
£ 46
Sterling Silver Vesta Case Birmingham 1895 Minshull & Latimer
£ 46
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Jeff Sims Antiques
Rare Victorian Silver Cased Scent Bottle
£ 195
Jeff Sims Antiques
Rare Victorian Dragon Head Silver Bookmark
£ 185
Aion Classique
Stunning Victorian Silver & Cut Glass Scent Bottle
£ 295
Booth Antiques
Rare Victorian Silver & Carnelian Snuff Box
£ 235
Jeff Sims Antiques
Victorian Silver & Guilloche Enamel Inkwell
£ 210
Jeff Sims Antiques
Gorgeous Pair of Victorian Silver & Cut Glass Trinket Dishes
£ 210
Booth Antiques
Victorian Pierced Silver Swing Handle Bonbon Basket
£ 145
£ 185
Victorian Novelty Silver Miniature Milk Churn Pepper Pot Haseler Brothers Pepperette
£ 185
The Fancy Fox
Andrew Cox Antiques
Gorgeous Art Nouveau Silver Mounted Decanter
£ 245
Antique Clock Company
Exquisite Chased Silver Cased Boudoir Carriage Clock
£ 1,950
Andrew Cox Antiques
Delightful Victorian Silver Heart Shaped Pillbox Pendant
£ 135
Jeff Sims Antiques
Lovely Victorian Silver & Mother-of-Pearl Trowel Bookmark
£ 145
Andrew Cox Antiques
Charming Victorian Silver & Tortoiseshell Letter Opener
£ 165
£ 225
Aion Classique
Victorian Silver Mounted Swirled Glass Scent Bottle
£ 235
Jo Brayshaw
Victorian Set of Silver Salts - 1895
£ 275
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
6 Victorian Sterling Silver Aesthetic Movement Napkins Rings
£ 440
6 Victorian Sterling Silver Aesthetic Movement Napkins Rings
£ 440
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
The Vintage Wrist Watch Company
Victorian Silver Watch Albert with Collection of Fobs
£ 235
Booth Antiques
Large Victorian Silver Dog Whistle
£ 175
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