12/21/2024 11:36:24

John Isaac - Author

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Good News For Antiques Lovers - John Isaac
Interior Design Consultant, John Isaac, explodes the myth that antiques have no place in the modern home. Over the past year, I have written a series of articles about the design and decoration of rooms in the modern home, and how a few carefully chosen antique pieces can introduce character and individuality. This has been…... See more
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Antique Mirror Mirror, On The Wall - John Isaac
Of all household artefacts, the mirror, or the Looking Glass, as it is still referred to in aristocratic circles, is one of the most ancient. Uniquely, it combines total practicality with elements of mysticism and primitive superstition. You may recall from my previous articles that I favour using pictures, lamps, wall lights, cabinets and other…... See more
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Does size really matter? - John Isacc
Yes, it certainly does – especially when it comes to furnishing a room. Last month, I wrote scathing comments about the ghastly “3 piece suite” which, in my view, is as much of a passion killer to the style and mood of a room as a large pair of grey knickers on a gorgeous girl. The current taste…... See more
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Antiques in the Modern Home ~ Occasional chairs - John Isaac
Most newly built homes today seem to feature large kitchen/diners at the expense of space in the sitting room. This problem – if I can call it that – is further compounded by the insane practice of filling a small lounge with a gargantuan 3-piece suite which is simply too large for the room. Many…... See more
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Antiques in the Modern Home - John Isaac
Every month, Interior Design Consultant, John Isaac, presents a feature on how to use antiques to furnish and enhance the aesthetic of homes in the twenty-first century. When I started out in my design career forty years ago, the style favoured for classic interiors was English Country House. Period-style rooms, inspired by the likes of…... See more