3/27/2025, 9:40:1
19th Century Doll's Pushchair (1 of 4)
19th Century Doll's Pushchair
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Art & Stuff
Flag of United KingdomOxfordshire, UK
I specialise in affordable original artworks - mainly traditional watercolours and oil paintings but I also have a range of contemporary artworks including
limited edition lithographic prints. I also stock a limited selection of antiques and collectables, including treen, ceramics and glass. I have now opened a shop
in Wallingford (OX100BU) between Reading and Oxford, but I also trade online. My website, www.artandstuffgallery.com has a gallery section with several
mini-galleries where my items are displayed, including more contemporary items not shown on LoveAntiques.
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26 High Street,



United Kingdom

OX10 0BU

Opening times

10AM -5PM; Sunday 11-5pm

19th Century Doll's Pushchair

REF: M2035 / LA509090
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Certified DealerApproved item800 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
Certified DealerApproved item800 sales by dealerFree DeliveryAvailable for local pick-up
A lovely old child’s toy pushchair, apparently from a museum, which is perhaps why the wheels are fixed on a base to prevent damage. But it’s all in working order and ready for use if your doll needs an outing! One can almost see a doll sized nanny pushing it along the street…. Made of wood covered in leather, with wrought iron wheels.
35 cm
30 cm
Height measurements excludes handle
Art & Stuff has clarified that the 19th Century Doll's Pushchair (LA509090) is genuinely of the period declared with the date/period of manufacture being Late 19th Century
Remarkable for its age. Part of wooden handle has broken off
This 19th Century Doll's Pushchair is located in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom