Masons Antiques
Westminster-Chime, Mahogany Wall Clock
£ 345
Antiques and Things
Classic Art Nouveau Clock
£ 70
Gaylord Antiques
London Bracket Clock
£ 3,450
Vintage Clocks
Wonderful Edwardian Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock
£ 650
Vintage Clocks
Engaging Edwardian Westminster Chime Grandmother Clock
£ 550
London City Antiques
Antique Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Mantel Clock
£ 795
Sovereign Antiques
Lake District Ambleside Clock
£ 650
Church Street Antiques
Edwardian Maahogany Mantel Clock
£ 275
Antiques and Things
Compact French Clock
£ 120
Georgian Antiques
Neat-sized Mahogany Grandmother Clock in Georgian Style
£ 1,100
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Attractive Quality Antique Mahogany Chiming Grandmother Clock
£ 1,125
Attractive Quality Antique Mahogany Chiming Grandmother Clock
£ 1,125
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Art Deco Mantel Clock 1920s
£ 395
Vintage Clocks
Wonderful Edwardian Balloon Shape Mantel Clock – Ca1900
£ 380
Vintage Clocks
Incredible Hermle Double Chime Bracket Clock
£ 795
£ 995
Vintage Clocks
Awesome American Gingerbread Mantel Clock ca.1900
£ 395
Vintage Clocks
Superb Free Swinger Drop Dial Wall Clock ca.1900
£ 995
London City Antiques
Antique Edwardian Mahogany Inlaid Mantle Clock
£ 985
Vintage Clocks
Stunning Swedish Cartel Gresso Case Wall Clock – Ca1930
£ 495
Vintage Clocks
Lovely Mahogany Ballon Shape Mantel Clock ca.1900
£ 300
£ 350
£ 650
Vintage Clocks
Awesome Edwardian Balloon Shaped Mantel Clock – ca 1905
£ 380
Vintage Clocks
Lovely Edwardian Balloon Shape Mantel Clock – ca 1905
£ 320
£ 380
Vintage Clocks
Awesome Large Industrial Antique Dial Clock ca.1900
£ 550
£ 550
Vintage Clocks
Stunning Edwardian Musical 8-Day Bracket Clock
£ 695
Worboys Antiques
Edwardian Mahogany Wall Clock
£ 725
The Sitting Room & Heydays Antiques
English Twin Fusee Mahogany Bracket Clock with Inlay
£ 795
English Twin Fusee Mahogany Bracket Clock with Inlay
£ 795
The Sitting Room & Heydays Antiques
£ 400
Vintage Clocks
Beautiful Chinoiserie Miniature Mantel Clock - Ca 1900
£ 325
£ 450
Stunning Rare Gustav Becker Triple Chime Hat Shaped Mantel Clock – ca 1900
£ 450
Vintage Clocks
£ 330
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Lovely Antique Edwardian Quality Mahogany Inlaid Satinwood Mantle Clock by Mappin & Webb London
£ 545
Lovely Antique Edwardian Quality Mahogany Inlaid Satinwood Mantle Clock by Mappin & Webb London
£ 545
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Matthew Coles Antiques
French Art Nouveau Clock in the Manner of Louis Majorelle
£ 2,750
Vintage Clocks
Fabulous Antique German Bracket Clock ca.1900
£ 450
Vintage Clocks
Exquisite Rare French Bracket Clock ca.1900
£ 450
£ 425
Rees Antiques
Musical 8 Tubes Mahogany Longcase Clock
£ 2,750
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