In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Victorian Silver Rim Ceramic Match Striker
£ 60
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Victorian Match Strike with Silver Rim
£ 55
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Victorian Silver Plated Desk Stand
£ 225
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Victorian Silver Topped Marmalade Pot
£ 55
Jeff Sims Antiques
Novelty Victorian Silver Thimble Bucket & Thimble
£ 165
Patrick Howard Antiques
Pair of English Victorian Silver Plated Wine Champagne Bottle Decanter Coasters 1839
£ 475
Pair of English Victorian Silver Plated Wine Champagne Bottle Decanter Coasters 1839
£ 475
Patrick Howard Antiques
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Georgian Edinburgh Silver Sherry Label
£ 175
Booth Antiques
Superb Late Victorian Hallmarked Silver Stilton Scoop
£ 245
£ 345
Victorian 1897 Rare Whistle Walking Stick Cane Hallmarked Solid Silver J Howell
£ 345
Shires Antiques
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
19th Century French Pocket Surgical Set Collin & Cie
£ 935
19th Century French Pocket Surgical Set Collin & Cie
£ 935
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
The Chelsea Bijouterie
Victorian Necklace Edith Stewart Arts Crafts Silver Chalcedony Pendant ca 1900
£ 1,185
Victorian Necklace Edith Stewart Arts Crafts Silver Chalcedony Pendant ca 1900
£ 1,185
The Chelsea Bijouterie
London City Antiques
Quality Pair of Antique Victorian Silver Plated Candlesticks
£ 695
Jeff Sims Antiques
Wonderful Set of 6 Parisian Silver Gilt Shot Glasses
£ 310
Jeff Sims Antiques
Fabulous Victorian Silver Wallet / Notebook Combo
£ 245
Aion Jewellery
Fine Pair of Victorian Silver Horseshoe Cufflinks
£ 75
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Victorian Silver Pin Cushion Jewellery Box
£ 535
Aion Jewellery
Small Victorian Silver and Moonstone Safety Pin Brooch
£ 95
£ 1,595
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Fine Quality Antique Georgian Seven Bottle Cruet Set
£ 595
£ 295
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Rare Silver Brazil Nut Vesta / Snuff Box
£ 495
The Vintage Wrist Watch Company
Victorian Silver Watch Chain & Lion Swivel Fob
£ 225
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Exeter Silver Serving Spoon
£ 90
£ 95
Pocket Watch Chain Victorian Silver Nickel Fancy Link 1890s Albert With T Bar
£ 95
Patrick Howard Antiques
Pair English Victorian Silverplated Wine Champagne Bottle Decanter Coasters 1860
£ 475
Pair English Victorian Silverplated Wine Champagne Bottle Decanter Coasters 1860
£ 475
Patrick Howard Antiques
Exhibit Antiques & Collectibles
19th Century Bohemian Enamelled Cranberry Glass Amphora Glass Jug C1900
£ 95
19th Century Bohemian Enamelled Cranberry Glass Amphora Glass Jug C1900
£ 95
Exhibit Antiques & Collectibles
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Cut Crystal Sterling Silver Oil Vinegar Cruet Set 1825 George Piercy
£ 875
Antique Cut Crystal Sterling Silver Oil Vinegar Cruet Set 1825 George Piercy
£ 875
Patrick Howard Antiques
Jeff Sims Antiques
Superb Victorian Etched Wine Goblet
£ 135
Jeff Sims Antiques
Victorian Rococo Silver Pin Tray
£ 95
Farm and Fancy
Silver Butterfly Locket
£ 160
£ 125
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Sampson Mordan Silver Hip Flask
£ 295
Farm and Fancy
Scottish Silver Agate Brooch
£ 195
Farm and Fancy
Early Victorian Silver Fish Slice Scottish
£ 175
Jeff Sims Antiques
A Collectible Victorian Silver Sovereign Case/vesta Combo
£ 295
London City Antiques
Fine Quality Antique French Silver Plated Tea Urn by Risler & Carré Paris
£ 1,385
Fine Quality Antique French Silver Plated Tea Urn by Risler & Carré Paris
£ 1,385
London City Antiques
RegencySilver Antiques
Antique French Solid Sterling Silver Triple Scent Perfume Bottle Case Jar Box
£ 550
Antique French Solid Sterling Silver Triple Scent Perfume Bottle Case Jar Box
£ 550
RegencySilver Antiques
Fox & Hare Antiques & Interiors
19th Century Milk Glass Decorative Rolling Pin - c.1880
£ 26
£ 7,950
RegencySilver Antiques
Antique English Victorian Sterling Silver Apostle Christening Figural Tea Spoon
£ 57
Antique English Victorian Sterling Silver Apostle Christening Figural Tea Spoon
£ 57
RegencySilver Antiques
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