In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Antique Silver Mustard Pot
£ 85
Booth Antiques
Fabulous Pair of Art Deco Silver & Cut Glass Whisky Tots
£ 475
£ 345
Farm and Fancy
Silver Heart Shaped Toast Rack
£ 260
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Antique Silver Tea Strainer
Beeches Vintage
Antique Large Art Deco Sterling Silver Pill Box
£ 129
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Art Deco English Sterling Silver Ink Desk Inkstand Desk Set London 1910
£ 1,275
Antique Art Deco English Sterling Silver Ink Desk Inkstand Desk Set London 1910
£ 1,275
Patrick Howard Antiques
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Silver Spoon with Jade Handle Birmingham 1926
£ 175
£ 78
Masonic Pocket Watch Chain Fob Sterling Silver 1923 Raob Very Large Enamel Fob
£ 78
Beeches Vintage
Vintage 1938 Sterling Silver Napkin Ring
£ 60
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Silver Art Deco Travelling Clock
£ 295
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Gorgeous Art Deco Silver & Guilloche Enamel Hand Mirror
£ 225
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Wonderful Art Deco Silver & Guilloche Enamel Perfume/ Cologne Bottle
£ 215
A Wonderful Art Deco Silver & Guilloche Enamel Perfume/ Cologne Bottle
£ 215
Andrew Cox Antiques
Beeches Vintage
Vintage 1927 Solid Silver Jewellery Box
£ 135
Aion Classique
Rare Masonic Interest Silver Card Case
£ 195
Beeches Vintage
Vintage 1932 Sterling Silver Cigarette Case
£ 97
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Silver Shibayama Cup by Zimmerman
£ 350
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Art Deco Silver Cigarette Holder Birmingham 1939
£ 175
Art Deco Silver Cigarette Holder Birmingham 1939
£ 175
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Aion Jewellery
Charles Horner Art Deco Silver Cuff Bangle
£ 90
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Dusty Pink Guilloche Enamel & Silver Hand Mirror
£ 240
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Sampson Mordan Silver Shibayama Match Case
£ 345
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Art Deco Silver Compact - Crisford & Norris 1940
£ 99
£ 48
Pocket Watch Chain Fob Silver 1926 Antique Stafford County Athletics Association
£ 48
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Art Deco Silver Compact Joseph Gloster Ltd 1940
£ 100
£ 1,595
Booth Antiques
Novelty Silver & Mother of Pearl Trowel Bookmark
£ 135
Aion Classique
Silver & Blonde Tortoiseshell Powder Pot
£ 175
Aion Classique
Art Deco Silver & Guilloche Enamel Lidded Rouge Pot
£ 125
Digby Antiques (Wiltshire)
Silver Christening Set - Original Box
£ 150
Booth Antiques
Delightful Miniature Silver Photo Frame
£ 85
Beeches Vintage
Vintage 1931 Short Sterling Silver Candlestick Holder
£ 52
Vintage Clocks
Art Deco Sterling Silver Cigarette Case - Adie Bros 1928
£ 100
Aion Classique
Wonderful Art Deco Silver & Enamel Lidded Vanity Jar
£ 165
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Antique Silver Sugar Caster
£ 160
£ 145
Aion Classique
Charming Art Deco Silver Purse Compact
£ 135
Robert Belcher Antiques
Heavy Solid Silver Toast Rack of Larger Proportions, Birmingham 1924-1925
£ 275
Heavy Solid Silver Toast Rack of Larger Proportions, Birmingham 1924-1925
£ 275
Robert Belcher Antiques
William Rand Antiques
Good Pair of Art Deco Silver Napkin Rings
£ 145
William Rand Antiques
Pair of George V Silver & Enamel Brushes
£ 110
William Rand Antiques
George V Solid Silver Christening Mug
£ 225
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