In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Victorian Silver Topped Marmalade Pot
£ 55
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Edwardian Silver Full & Half Sovereign Case 1906
£ 130
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Edwardian Silver Double Sovereign Case 1907 William Hair Haseler
£ 128
Edwardian Silver Double Sovereign Case 1907 William Hair Haseler
£ 128
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Jeff Sims Antiques
Unusual Edwardian Novelty Silver Wheelbarrow Pin Cushion
£ 310
Jeff Sims Antiques
Fabulous Victorian Silver Wallet / Notebook Combo
£ 245
Aion Jewellery
Edwardian Silver & Paste Diamond Crescent Brooch
£ 68
Aion Jewellery
Fine Pair of Victorian Silver Horseshoe Cufflinks
£ 75
£ 295
£ 295
Booth Antiques
Rare Edwardian Silver Swan Pin Cushion
£ 295
Booth Antiques
Rare Large Silver Handled Button Hook with Duck Finial
£ 155
Fernyhough Antiques Ltd
Stunning Edwardian Silver Phone Frame
£ 275
The Vintage Wrist Watch Company
Victorian Silver Watch Chain & Lion Swivel Fob
£ 225
£ 185
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Victorian Silver Combi Sovereign & Vesta Case 1901 John Millward Banks
£ 190
Victorian Silver Combi Sovereign & Vesta Case 1901 John Millward Banks
£ 190
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Booth Antiques
Edwardian Silver Thistle Letter Opener
£ 145
£ 195
Walking Stick Cane 1910 Hallmarked Solid Silver Collar Ebonised Amethyst Pommel
£ 195
Shires Antiques
Jeff Sims Antiques
Rare Edwardian Glastonbury Abbey Silver Bookmark
£ 155
£ 585
Aion Jewellery
Stunning Art Nouveau Silver & Enamel Pendant Necklace
£ 335
£ 145
Aion Jewellery
Art Nouveau Silver & Enamel Pendant Necklace
£ 165
Booth Antiques
Edwardian Silver & Gold 'Songbird' Match Box Holder
£ 135
Booth Antiques
Rare Pair of Edwardian Silver Pip Trays
£ 265
Larkin & Gallow
Hukin & Heath Antique Silver Top Cut Glass Perfume Bottle
£ 250
Aion Classique
Edwardian Art Nouveau Silver Mounted Wallet
£ 145
Aion Jewellery
Art Nouveau Silver Lily of the Valley Brooch
£ 85
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Victorian Silver Topped Quaich / Bowl
£ 180
£ 58
Masonic Pocket Watch Chain Fob Sterling Silver 1909 Manchester Unity Oddfellows
£ 58
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Edwardian Sterling Silver Cheroot Holder & Case Joseph Gloster 1909
£ 66
Edwardian Sterling Silver Cheroot Holder & Case Joseph Gloster 1909
£ 66
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Silver Ring Box - Birmingham 1903
£ 125
£ 345
£ 2,975
Aion Classique
Superb Edwardian Silver Wallet / Stamp Case
£ 185
Aion Classique
Charming Edwardian Silver Shoe Horn / Boot Hook Combo
£ 75
Jeff Sims Antiques
Rare Edwardian Silver Vesta / Sealing Wax Combo
£ 275
Andrew Cox Antiques
Handsome Edwardian Silver Mounted Stamp Box
£ 225
Aion Jewellery
Pair of Edwardian Silver, Bloodstone & Onyx Cufflinks
£ 110
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Plain Silver Vesta Case by William Neale 1906
£ 60
Aion Classique
Stunning Victorian Silver & Cut Glass Scent Bottle
£ 295
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