Walton House Antiques Ltd
George III Mahogany Kidney Shaped Writing Table
£ 1,450
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century Quality Parquetry Inlaid Serpentine Shaped Marble Top Commode Chest
£ 1,850
Antique 18th Century Quality Parquetry Inlaid Serpentine Shaped Marble Top Commode Chest
£ 1,850
London City Antiques
Salisbury Antiques Centre
Sheraton Period Sofa Table
£ 7,500
WR Harvey & Co (Antiques) Ltd
Chippendale Period Inlaid Mahogany Butterfly Pembroke Table
£ 3,750
Chippendale Period Inlaid Mahogany Butterfly Pembroke Table
£ 3,750
WR Harvey & Co (Antiques) Ltd
LT Antiques
Georgian Inlaid Mahogany Gentlemans Wardrobe
£ 1,850
Stalham Antique Gallery
Very Pretty Late 18th Century Mahogany Inlaid China Cabinet
£ 625
Knight Fine Antiques & Collectables
Georgian Mahogany Inlaid Bureau
£ 550
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Cylinder Bureau
£ 8,450
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Cylinder Bureau
£ 8,450
London City Antiques
London City Antiques
Magnificent Quality Large Antique George III Inlaid Mahogany Sideboard
£ 10,995
Magnificent Quality Large Antique George III Inlaid Mahogany Sideboard
£ 10,995
London City Antiques
Salisbury Antiques Centre
George III Work Table
£ 725
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century Quality Burr Walnut Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 12,850
Antique 18th Century Quality Burr Walnut Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 12,850
London City Antiques
Harper Baxter
Georgian Tall Inlaid Oak Cupboard 18th Century
£ 2,200
London City Antiques
Antique George III Quality Walnut Kneehole Desk
£ 2,850
£ 329
Regency Octagonal Mahogany Inlaid Tilt Top Tripod Wine Side Table C1800 (georgian)
£ 329
Leeds Antiques
£ 1,249
Georgian Late 18th Century Mahogany Inlaid Caddy Top Small Chest of Drawers
£ 1,249
Leeds Antiques
Church Street Antiques
George III Mahogany Bow Fronted and Crossbanded Sideboard
£ 980
Prior & Willis Antiques
Antique Queen Anne Early 18th Century Inlaid Burr Walnut Escritoire Desk Chest - Fine Quality
£ 4,196
Antique Queen Anne Early 18th Century Inlaid Burr Walnut Escritoire Desk Chest - Fine Quality
£ 4,196
Prior & Willis Antiques
Matthew Coles Antiques
Georgian III Walnut Chest on Chest
£ 2,550
Holmes Antiques
Fine 18th Century Parquetry Card Table
£ 2,300
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 4,850
Antique 18th Century Quality Mahogany Floral Marquetry Inlaid Bombe Shaped Bureau
£ 4,850
London City Antiques
Town House Traders Ltd
18th Century Georgian Walnut Kneehole Desk
£ 690
LT Antiques
Rare 18th Century Marquetry Inlaid Tea Table
£ 2,250
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century George III Quality Mahogany Inlaid Butterfly Pembroke Table
£ 1,850
Antique 18th Century George III Quality Mahogany Inlaid Butterfly Pembroke Table
£ 1,850
London City Antiques
Matthew Coles Antiques
Early Georgian Walnut Chest on Stand
£ 1,100
Martlesham Antiques
18th Century Carved & Inlaid Oak Coffer
£ 1,550
London City Antiques
Fine Quality Antique George III Mahogany & Satinwood Inlaid Demi Lune Shaped Card / Console Table
£ 2,450
Fine Quality Antique George III Mahogany & Satinwood Inlaid Demi Lune Shaped Card / Console Table
£ 2,450
London City Antiques
Martlesham Antiques
18th Century Inlaid Mahogany Chest
£ 2,950
London City Antiques
Fine Quality Antique Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table
£ 1,685
Hingstons Antiques
George III Inlaid Mahogany Bureau
£ 1,475
Camden Antiques
Large George III Inlaid Mahogany Sideboard
£ 4,350
Salisbury Antiques Centre
Fine Sheraton Period Bow Front Side Table
£ 645
Victoria Antiques
Original Georgian Inlaid Mahogany Bureau
£ 250
Philip Hunt Antiques
George I Walnut Bureau
£ 1,850
LT Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Inlaid Pembroke Table
£ 695
£ 1,395
London City Antiques
Outstanding Antique George III Quality Oak Inlaid Hanging Corner Cabinet
£ 1,185
Outstanding Antique George III Quality Oak Inlaid Hanging Corner Cabinet
£ 1,185
London City Antiques
Walton House Antiques Ltd
Early 18th Century Inlaid Pad Foot Card Table
£ 995
London City Antiques
Antique 18th Century George III Mahogany Inlaid Tea Table
£ 1,785
Holmes Antiques
18th Century Inlaid Oak Chest of Drawers
£ 2,200
Matthew Coles Antiques
George III Two Tier Inlaid Mahogany Table
£ 395
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