In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Pair of Silver Plated Ships Vases
£ 90
£ 7,950
RegencySilver Antiques
Swedish Vintage Eric Löfman Solid Silver Plain Vase Beaker 20th-century Modernist 1977
£ 275
Swedish Vintage Eric Löfman Solid Silver Plain Vase Beaker 20th-century Modernist 1977
£ 275
RegencySilver Antiques
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Stylish Edwardian Silver Trumpet Vase
£ 195
£ 7,950
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Pair of Silver & Bristol Blue Posey Vases London 1895
£ 175
Pair of Silver & Bristol Blue Posey Vases London 1895
£ 175
Paul Watson Antiques & Interiors Norfolk
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Antique Sterling Silver Vase & Green Glass Liner Goldsmiths & Silversmiths 1909
£ 245
Antique Sterling Silver Vase & Green Glass Liner Goldsmiths & Silversmiths 1909
£ 245
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Graham Deakin Antiques
Pair of Silvered WMF Vases
£ 150
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Pair of Silver Mounted Cut Glass Vases
£ 110
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Pair of Victorian Silver Vases
£ 175
Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Victorian Silver Mounted Glass Vase
£ 120
Booth Antiques
Charming Silver and Wrythen Glass Posy Vase
£ 145
Jeff Sims Antiques
Late Victorian Silver Repoussé Bud Vase
£ 125
£ 85
£ 2,650
Booth Antiques
Handsome Edwardian Silver Stem Vase
£ 195
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Fine Quality Antique Edwardian Cut Glass & Silver Plated Spill Vase
£ 295
Fine Quality Antique Edwardian Cut Glass & Silver Plated Spill Vase
£ 295
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
The Fancy Fox
Fine Art Nouveau Silver Gilt Grape Vine Vase
£ 645
£ 265
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian Sterling Silver Tapering Vase or Beaker
£ 180
£ 895
Pair of Antique Duck Egg Cups, English, Silver, Vase - Edwardian Hallmarked 1904
£ 895
London Fine Ltd
Wick Antiques Ltd
Her Majesty’s Vase: A Horse Racing Trophy by John Samuel Hunt
£ 62,500
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Bernard Muller Dutch Import Edwardian Sterling Silver Beaker or Vase
£ 255
Bernard Muller Dutch Import Edwardian Sterling Silver Beaker or Vase
£ 255
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Arts & Crafts Silver Pedestal Vase
£ 265
Andrew Cox Antiques
Attractive Small Silver Posy Vase
£ 69
£ 1,895
Antique George V Arts & Crafts Style Sterling Silver Vases by Liberty & Co Ltd
£ 1,895
AC Silver
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Lovely Pair of Art Nouveau Silver Plated Spill Vases
£ 175
Andrew Cox Antiques
Charming Pair of George V Silver Stem Vases
£ 245
£ 2,250
£ 4,950
£ 795
Small Antique Stem Vase, English, Silver, Glass, Decor, Art Nouveau, Edwardian
£ 795
London Fine Ltd
Andrew Cox Antiques
Gorgeous Sampson Mordan & Co. Silver Trumpet Vase
£ 175
Art Deco and More Ltd
Large Bohemia Vase, Silver Overlay
£ 295
Larkin & Gallow
William Comyns Antique Silver & Bristol Blue Glass Posy Vase
£ 200
The Silver Cabinet
Fabulous Pair of Secessionist Silver Vases
£ 280
Booth Antiques
Beautiful Pair of Art Nouveau Silver Vases 1898
£ 210
£ 2,250
£ 2,085
£ 780
Pair of Arts & Crafts, Liberty & Co Style, Enamelled Silver Bud Vases - 1907
£ 780
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Vase
£ 145
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