Jeff Sims Antiques
Novelty Victorian Silver Thimble Bucket & Thimble
£ 165
Booth Antiques
Superb Late Victorian Hallmarked Silver Stilton Scoop
£ 245
£ 345
Victorian 1897 Rare Whistle Walking Stick Cane Hallmarked Solid Silver J Howell
£ 345
Shires Antiques
The Vintage Wrist Watch Company
Antique Silver Churchill Watch Chain and Lurgan Fob
£ 135
£ 295
Rare Walking Stick Cane 1887 Hallmarked Solid Silver Pommel Snakewood Shaft
£ 295
Shires Antiques
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Delightful Victorian Silver Cream Jug
£ 155
£ 118
Antique Solid Silver & Guilloche Enamel Handled Magnifying Glass Sheffield 1893
£ 118
£ 145
£ 110
William Rand Antiques
Large Set Of Victorian Cast Silver Buttons, 1899
£ 150
Larkin & Gallow
Antique Silver Card Case & Aide Memoir - William Comyns
£ 395
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Superb Quality Goliath Victorian Sterling Silver Photo Frame
£ 1,550
Superb Quality Goliath Victorian Sterling Silver Photo Frame
£ 1,550
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Victorian Solid Silver Brandy Warmer
£ 450
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Boxed Sterling Silver Sugar and Cream with Lion Crest
£ 345
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Victorian Sterling Silver Boxed Three Piece Condiment Set
£ 425
London City Antiques
Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Meat Cover
£ 465
Jeff Sims Antiques
Rare Victorian Dragon Head Silver Bookmark
£ 185
Shires Antiques
Victorian Walking Stick Cane 1896 Hallmarked Solid Silver Golf Ball Pommel Bamboo Shaft
£ 195
Victorian Walking Stick Cane 1896 Hallmarked Solid Silver Golf Ball Pommel Bamboo Shaft
£ 195
Shires Antiques
Vintage Clocks
Antique Sterling Silver Quaich
£ 115
Vintage Clocks
Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Quaich
£ 30
Alain Michel Antiques
19th Century Silver Metal & Oak Tray
€ 370
AppleMan Antiques
Antique Victorian Sterling Silver and Horn Magnifying Glass
£ 499
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Fantastic Quality Antique Victorian Silver Plated Meat Cover
£ 595
Fantastic Quality Antique Victorian Silver Plated Meat Cover
£ 595
Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Booth Antiques
Victorian Pierced Silver Swing Handle Bonbon Basket
£ 145
£ 185
Victorian Novelty Silver Miniature Milk Churn Pepper Pot Haseler Brothers Pepperette
£ 185
The Fancy Fox
£ 100
£ 80
Victorian Silver Art Nouveau Sugar Tongs - London - Robert Stebbings ca.1889
£ 80
Vintage Clocks
£ 75
£ 285
Jeff Sims Antiques
Lovely Victorian Silver & Mother-of-Pearl Trowel Bookmark
£ 145
£ 225
£ 125
£ 1,995
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Pair of Cast Victorian Aesops Fable Sterling Silver Grape Shears
£ 255
Pair of Cast Victorian Aesops Fable Sterling Silver Grape Shears
£ 255
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Pretty Late Victorian Oval Silver Plated Toast Rack
£ 140
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Hardy Brothers Victorian Silver Plated Double Photo Frame
£ 275
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Late Victorian William Comyns Sterling Silver Photo Frame
£ 285
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Antique Victorian Hard Metal Silver Plated Spoon Warmer
£ 245
Vavasseur Antiques
Antique Silver Double-Sided Transparent Compass Fob or Pendant c.1900
£ 150
Antique Silver Double-Sided Transparent Compass Fob or Pendant c.1900
£ 150
Vavasseur Antiques
Booth Antiques
Rare Victorian Silver & Malachite Whistle
£ 155
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