In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Antique Silver Bowl
£ 195
£ 185
Penrose Antiques Ltd
Silver Anointing Spoon - London 1910
£ 85
Aion Classique
Fabulous George V Silver Gilt & Suede Purse
£ 155
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Unusual Edwardian Sterling Silver Spirit Decanter
£ 220
Jeff Sims Antiques
Unusual Heart Shaped Silver Brandy Label
£ 155
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Attractive Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Edwardian Hip Flask
£ 260
Attractive Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Edwardian Hip Flask
£ 260
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Aion Classique
Rare George V Silver Buttonhole Holder
£ 125
JSA Silver Flatware
Superb Set of Six Heavy Quality Silver Soup Spoons
£ 395
JSA Silver Flatware
Fabulous Set of Six Heavy Quality Silver Soup Spoons
£ 395
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Elegant and Good Quality Sterling Silver Toast Rack
£ 345
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Stylish Good Quality Sterling Silver Photo Frame
£ 425
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Stunning Silver Gilt Basket with Cranberry Glass Liner
£ 365
Aion Classique
Stylish Silver Lidded Cufflinks / Trinket Box
£ 135
Henley Street Antiques
Sterling Silver Bowl - Hallmarked 1912
£ 250
Vavasseur Antiques
Silver Hunter Cased Pocket Compass with RGS Dial by Barker c.1911
£ 875
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Handsome Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Ink Bottle
£ 165
Sunnyside Antiques
Solid Silver Card Case
£ 165
Sovereign Antiques
Gentleman’s Walking Silver Topped Walking Stick Sword Stick
£ 695
£ 3,450
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Beautiful and Good Quality Sterling Silver Sugar Basket
£ 325
£ 1,495
Penrose Antiques Ltd
Arts & Crafts Trefid Rats Tail Silver Spoon c.1917
£ 125
Booth Antiques
Handsome Edwardian Silver Stem Vase
£ 195
£ 1,895
The Fancy Fox
Fine Art Nouveau Silver Gilt Grape Vine Vase
£ 645
£ 1,495
Booth Antiques
Superb Edwardian Family Sized Silver Teapot
£ 365
Larkin & Gallow
Antique Silver Urn Shaped Cigar or Table Lighter
£ 195
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Oval Silver Bread Basket
£ 350
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Goldsmith & Silversmiths Sterling Silver Box 1913
£ 635
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Smart Good Quality Sterling Silver Rectangular Jewellery Box
£ 275
Smart Good Quality Sterling Silver Rectangular Jewellery Box
£ 275
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
The Silver Cabinet
Antique Silver Arts & Crafts Box - Omar Ramsden
£ 2,500
Larkin & Gallow
Antique Silver; Engagement, Proposal, Wedding Ring Box
£ 175
Booth Antiques
An Edwardian Silver Table Matchbox Holder
£ 110
£ 245
Andrew Cox Antiques
Excellent Pair of Small Asprey Silver Coasters
£ 325
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Good Quality Mappin & Webb Oval Sterling Silver Box
£ 220
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Sterling Silver & Cut Glass Perfume Bottle 1911
£ 240
Booth Antiques
Novelty Silver Tot Cup / Measure
£ 125
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