In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Antique Silver Mustard Pot
£ 85
Booth Antiques
Gorgeous Chester Silver Art Nouveau Tea Strainer
£ 145
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Silver Quaich Sheffield 1919
£ 175
Beeches Vintage
Antique 1919 Sterling Silver Fruit Knife
£ 62
Robert Belcher Antiques
Heavy Solid Silver Toast Rack of Larger Proportions, Birmingham 1924-1925
£ 275
Heavy Solid Silver Toast Rack of Larger Proportions, Birmingham 1924-1925
£ 275
Robert Belcher Antiques
£ 395
Antique Butter Dish, English, Ceramic Cheese Keeper, Country Kitchen c.1920
£ 395
London Fine Ltd
£ 2,450
£ 3,450
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Antique Silver Toast Rack
£ 90
Beeches Vintage
Vintage Sterling Silver Fruit Knife - 1932 Hallmark
£ 45
Beeches Vintage
1925 British Empire Exhibition Butter Knife
£ 24
£ 475
The Antique Warehouse
Sugar Tongs: Pair of Rare EPNS Stamped Sugar Tongs with the Isle of Man Insignia 1920s
£ 30
Sugar Tongs: Pair of Rare EPNS Stamped Sugar Tongs with the Isle of Man Insignia 1920s
£ 30
The Antique Warehouse
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Oval Silver Bread Basket
£ 350
Beeches Vintage
Childs Vintage Solid Silver Fork & Spoon Set
£ 88
Beeches Vintage
Antique 1918 Silver Fruit Knife
£ 58
Beeches Vintage
Mappin & Webb 1930s Entree Dish
£ 80
Larkin & Gallow
Antique Solid Silver Gothic Style Toast Rack
£ 85
Beeches Vintage
1926 Sterling Silver Fruit Knife
£ 63
Beeches Vintage
Antique 1920 Sterling Silver Cake Knife
£ 128
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Unusual Style Sterling Silver Tea Strainer
£ 155
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
Set of Six Art Deco Silver Fruit Knives
£ 210
Andrew Cox Antiques
Quality Pair of Silver Salt & Pepper Casters
£ 225
£ 7,645
AC Silver
George V Sterling Silver Ginger Jars
£ 4,950
Andrew Cox Antiques
Gorgeous Silver & Cut Glass Preserve Jar & Spoon
£ 165
£ 1,495
£ 1,595
£ 165
In a Nutshell Antiques & Interiors Ltd
Sterling Silver Kings Pattern Grape Scissors
£ 225
Larkin & Gallow
Art Deco Silver Chutney & Pickle Servers - Cased
£ 175
£ 2,450
AC Silver
Sterling Silver Nutcrackers 1935
£ 1,595
Walton House Antiques Ltd
Early 20th Century Large Set of Butchers Scales
£ 595
Rodden Antiques
Pair of Hanoverian Pattern Sugar Tongs
£ 45
Williams Antiques & Restoration
Oval Shaped Brass Trivet
£ 45
Silver Sugar Tongues by Hukin & Heath
£ 55
Henley Street Antiques
Silver Sugar Tong, London 1928
£ 30
£ 95
£ 95
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