Art Deco Shari Langlois Double Vanity Powder & Rouge Compact in Original Silk Box c.1920
£ 125
Art Deco Shari Langlois Double Vanity Powder & Rouge Compact in Original Silk Box c.1920
£ 125
Town House Traders Ltd
Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Sewing Table
£ 240
£ 60
£ 110
Beresford Antiques Ltd
Seven Vintage Metal Legal Document Boxes
£ 695
Beeches Vintage
Antique 1904 Small Silver Pill Box
£ 80
Beeches Vintage
Antique Large Art Deco Sterling Silver Pill Box
£ 129
Barnaby's of Battle
Vintage Old Wooden Low Tool Box in Black Paint
£ 90
£ 155
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Stunning Ronson Pure Art Deco Cigarette Case & Lighter Combo
£ 68
Stunning Ronson Pure Art Deco Cigarette Case & Lighter Combo
£ 68
Queens Antiques & Collectables
Rare Antique Gifts
1920s Norida Femme Powder Box
£ 120
£ 35
Art Deco 1930s Stratnoid Foil Backed Sail Boat in Harbour Picture Powder Compact
£ 35
£ 28
RegencySilver Antiques
Rare Karachi Anglo Indian Colonial Antique Solid Sterling Silver Matchbox Cover Holder. J Manikrai & Sons
£ 149
Rare Karachi Anglo Indian Colonial Antique Solid Sterling Silver Matchbox Cover Holder. J Manikrai & Sons
£ 149
RegencySilver Antiques
Jeff Sims Antiques
Sampson Morden Silver Boxed Shaving Set
£ 475
Booth Antiques
Edwardian Silver & Gold 'Songbird' Match Box Holder
£ 135
Aion Classique
George V Silver Mounted Ebony Glove Box
£ 135
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Plain Cedar Lined Sterling Silver Trinket or Cigarette Box
£ 380
Newark Antiques and Interiors Ltd
William Comyns Sterling Silver Edwardian Box
£ 560
Jo Brayshaw
Ornate French Trinket Box c.1900
£ 145
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Unusual Gold Pique Tortoiseshell Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 325
Barnaby's of Battle
Twelve Antique Columbia Needle Tins
£ 110
Barnaby's of Battle
Eleven Gramophone Needle Tins Songster and HMV
£ 55
Barnaby's of Battle
Ten Antique HMV Gramophone Needle Tins
£ 120
Barnaby's of Battle
Six Old Embassy Gramophone Needle Tins
£ 80
Barnaby's of Battle
Two Antique Radio Crystal Tins
£ 40
Barnaby's of Battle
Six Antique Gramophone Needle Tins 1920s
£ 80
Barnaby's of Battle
Antique Gramophone Needle Tin Ariel 1920s
£ 22
Andrew Cox Antiques
A Delightful Edwardian Silver Double Stamp Box
£ 145
Robert Belcher Antiques
Russian Hand Painted Papier Mâché Black Lacquered Box c.1920
£ 695
Rare Antique Sterling Silver Figural Walnut Powder Compact & Perfume Bottle Necessaire Circa 1910
£ 395
Rare Antique Sterling Silver Figural Walnut Powder Compact & Perfume Bottle Necessaire Circa 1910
£ 395
Beeches Vintage
Vintage 1927 Solid Silver Jewellery Box
£ 135
Aion Classique
William Comyns Edwardian Silver Pot Pourri Box
£ 245
£ 300
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Pique Work Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 255
Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Pique Work Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 255
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Piers Rankin Silver Antiques
Chinese Export Sterling Silver Jewellery or Trinket Box
£ 320
£ 120
Silver Ring Box - Birmingham 1903
£ 125
Aion Classique
Lovely George V Heart Shaped Silver Pill Box
£ 155
Andrew Cox Antiques
Handsome Edwardian Silver Mounted Stamp Box
£ 225
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