Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Early Spode Pottery Plate
£ 35
£ 975
£ 225
Jo Brayshaw
Spode Creamware Sauce Tureen & Ladle c.1820
£ 250
£ 185
£ 55
£ 185
£ 125
WR Harvey & Co (Antiques) Ltd
Early 19th Century Coalport Sucriere & Cover
£ 425
WR Harvey & Co (Antiques) Ltd
Early 19th Century Worcester Barr, Flight & Barr Sucriere
£ 250
Penrose Antiques Ltd
Rockingham Stork Handled Vase C1831-42
£ 350
WR Harvey & Co (Antiques) Ltd
Early 19th Century Lustreware Dish
£ 95
£ 215
Rare First Period Worcester Porcelain Butter Boat Rose & Running Border c.1760
£ 215
The Fancy Fox
£ 465
£ 525
£ 285
The Fancy Fox
Rare First Period Worcester Porcelain Heart Kidney Shape Dessert Dish / Compotier c.1765
£ 365
Rare First Period Worcester Porcelain Heart Kidney Shape Dessert Dish / Compotier c.1765
£ 365
The Fancy Fox
Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Adams Pottery Tea Cup and Saucer
£ 38
Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Blue and White Ceramic Mug
£ 95
£ 1,975
Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Royal Commemorative Pottery Jug
£ 140
WR Harvey & Co (Antiques) Ltd
Pair of Rockingham Porcelain Tea Canisters
£ 775
Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Black Basalt Cream Jug
£ 55
£ 575
William Rand Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Jardiniere Plant Stand
£ 1,250
Mark Stacey Antiques & Decorative
Pair of Spode Blue Plates
£ 69
Jo Brayshaw
Rare Georgian Pearlware Bourdalou. C1800
£ 275
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Chinese Export Porcelain Blue White Platter Plate Qianlong Period 1760
£ 975
Antique Chinese Export Porcelain Blue White Platter Plate Qianlong Period 1760
£ 975
Patrick Howard Antiques
£ 275
£ 150
First Period Worcester Porcelain French Green Sawtooth Dessert Plate c.1770
£ 150
The Fancy Fox
£ 125
Regency English Ridgway Porcelain Acanthus Moulded Lilac Shell Dessert Dish
£ 125
The Fancy Fox
£ 85
Georgian Antiques
Assembled Stone China 60 Part Dinner Service
£ 2,250
£ 185
£ 185
The Fancy Fox
Georgian Prattware Pottery Figure of Ram c.1800
£ 365
£ 325
Patrick Howard Antiques
Antique Regency English Crown Derby Porcelain China Pair Urns Vases 1815-1825
£ 875
Antique Regency English Crown Derby Porcelain China Pair Urns Vases 1815-1825
£ 875
Patrick Howard Antiques
M S Antiques
First Period Worcester Dished Plate
£ 225
£ 275
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